Temptation will align with one of these areas. If one finds that the same temptation keeps reoccurring, it is very possible that a demonic spirit may be at work trying to trip one up. All demons are driven by pride and lust. Some have specific assignments to torment Christians by harassing them regularly around these weaknesses.

Next is the word oppression. As Peter was preaching to Cornelius and his household in Acts 10, Peter declared:

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him.

Acts 10:38 NKJV

All of the devil’s work is oppressive. He is the master of oppression. Some, when trying to understand this area of demonic activity set possession and oppression against one another. This is not a good biblical understanding of terms. Every work of the devil has at its root the purpose to oppress. If a demon has found access into a person’s life as a spirit seeking to work its evil through that one, or if it is harassing from the outside, it is still demonic oppression.

Oppression can constitute many things. Some examples are things like the impossibility of a situation, discouragement, feelings of inadequacies, circumstances beyond our control, and feelings of defeat. Doubt is usually connected with spirits that produce oppression. Negative words from others can produce an atmosphere to nurture oppression, fear and self-rejection.

Sometimes there can be an infestation of demonic entities. Mary Magdalene is a good example of this in Luke 8:2 where the Bible tells us that seven demons came out of her. Demons usually work in cooperation with one another. Through sin, when a door is opened to the enemy to enter a person and establish a stronghold, many times other demonic forces are attracted and enter the person. The bondage increases and different types of evil activity operate through the person.

Demons can trouble every area of human life. Often, physical problems can be attributed to demonic attack. Consider the woman in Luke 13:10–17, a daughter of Abraham who had been bowed over with a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years. Jesus spoke to her and declared, “‘Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.’ And He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God” (Luke 13:12b–13 NKJV).

Whenever a disease lasts for a long time and does not seem to respond to medical help, there is a possibility that it is a demonic power that is preventing healing. In Matthew 8 we see that healing and deliverance are tied together in the ministry of Jesus.

When evening came, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed; and He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were ill. This was to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet: “HE HIMSELF TOOK OUR INFIRMITIES AND CARRIED AWAY OUR DISEASES.”