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Author: George Runyan

George Runyan holds a Bachelor of Theology and a Master of Theological Studies. He is known as a pastor of pastors, and networks with several hundred churches to develop strong foundations and vision in the lives of both the churches and the believers. He has traveled extensively to conduct pastor conferences and is the current host for the “City Voice” radio broadcast. George resides in San Diego with his wife Becky and their family.

Price: $15.95

A Daring Biblical Approach to God’s Agenda

Author: Ern Baxter

The Church is God’s instrument in the earth for declaring His glory and righteousness. But where is the Church…the Church that was found in the Acts of the apostles? Men have too quickly abandoned the biblical pattern of the New Testament for their experimentations. Today’s Church of God’s redeemed people has little effect on society.

Price: $16.00

The Joshua Principle
Changing the World by Reaching Children and Youth

Author: Mark Hoffman

The Joshua Principle can change your world! Have you ever wanted to change the world around you? God has shown us how to do so. In “The Joshua Principle” you will learn what the Joshua Principle is, and how to influence your world by impacting the children and youth around you. What you learn in these pages can help you transform any family, church, neighborhood, or city.

Price: $15.95

 That’s the Kingdom of God

Author: Stan DeKoven

Price: $12.95