
San Diego City Church Ministries (SDCCM)

San Diego Church Network is developed to encourage unity among Spiritual Leaders throughout the San Diego Region. We assist leaders to equip their members for fruitful living and service.

Bringing Unity Through Resources

San Diego Church Network is a means to unite the Lord’s church beginning in the San Diego Region. SDCCM has developed proven ministry resources such as pastor prayer clusters, regional gatherings of congregations, prayer rooms, a School of Ministry and a stewardship ministry which trains teams within the local church. The vision God has given through the leadership of City Church Ministries is quite extraordinary yet straightforward. Jesus’ passion was to see unity among “The Body”, this is SDCCM’s interest and it is with great hope that you will become a part of God’s zeal in the San Diego Region and beyond.

Please Pray

Every believer has been called to service in the ministry of the Lord. Some are called to go, some to stay, all are called to pray. We need prayer, and trust you will become a part of the team of men and women who pray daily for unity in San Diego and SDCCM.

Ministry Cooperation

The mandate of the Lord is to go to all the world and make disciples of the nations. In order to disciple the nations, we must reach cities by reaching the key leaders, helping them to see their need for one another. It will take the whole body of Christ working together to impact a locality and eventually a nation. Paul’s parting words of encouragement to the Elders (pastors) of Ephesus was to “take heed to the flock which the Holy Spirit had made you overseers”, noting “first to themselves” and then the flock. It is only through cooperation among the elders in any given locality, that “The Church” will become truly effective. With the help of networked ministries and many partners, we are doing our part to see the Kingdom of God manifested in our generation.

SDCCM supports you in seeing the Kingdom of God expanded in our locality and around the world.


How difficult is it to raise funds for such a ministry as SDCCM? It is very difficult. SDCCM builds relationships which is vital to the health of churches, ministries and then out into communities. Your investment will go to help your Spiritual Leaders become powerful, more efficient leaders to impact and build God’s Kingdom in your neighborhood. You will be investing in Jesus’ passion for unity.

SDCCM is a 501(c)3 and can supply tax deductible receipts.