by George Runyan | Jul 24, 2014 | George Runyan, Thoughts to Consider
At present, nations, churches, and families face a crisis of not requiring much accountability. Bailouts, subsidies, and entitlements are a way of life. The truth is this, it cannot be sustained. Reality will set in and great loss will follow.
by George Runyan | Jul 4, 2014 | George Runyan, Thoughts to Consider
Adams and Jefferson, signers and presidents, first patriots together, then adversaries, and finally friends again, died on exactly the same day in 1826, on July 4th no less, the 50th anniversary of signing the Declaration together.
by George Runyan | Jul 3, 2014 | George Runyan, Thoughts to Consider
The beauty of what God is doing in the earth is when people are brought together in the unity of God’s government. We are not brought together in some kind of indefinable mass. We are brought together in a definable, governmental structure under God that is clearly...
by George Runyan | Jun 20, 2014 | George Runyan, Thoughts to Consider
He forgives because that is His nature. He forgives because He wants to nurture and increase the relationship He began in the Garden and has restored us to Himself through the Lord Jesus Christ. He has given to us His Nature by giving us His Holy Spirit.